Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Sadistic Sude...Completely unedited.

I just feel like being a jackass today. And I can complete assure you that I would'nt have to try too hard!

Ok. So let me be ME for a change. Well, not exactly the 100% ME but one small part of ME very few people know, my sadistic temperament, my inflated ego which I had once upon a time, some traces of which still remain. An ego which made me stop conversing with my own blood for a brilliant 2 years despite staying under one roof. And we were only 14 and 15 years of age.
Reason? Well let it be. Just that it was too trivial but the outcome was disastrous. But now, we both rock together and I love you bro! All the very best for your new life:-)! And I am sorry for being a bloody arrogant, egoistic bitch.

Lots of people I met in the course of my life have different things to say about me. They have formed impressions, some of which are uncomfortably close to reality, some which are very sweet and heart warming, coming from people who I care about, some which are absolutely ridiculous and some which make me say "Fuck You" to those people who form impressions just for the heck of it and who deserve to hear a "Fuck You". But I just wonder who would WANT to fuck such fucking losers anyway!

Let me just share a few thoughts on some basic facts of life. Men, Sex, Dating, Love, Marriage. Right now what i feel about them. I am saying RIGHT NOW because who knows, maybe tomorrow I might just have a complete reverse outlook to all of it!

Let's just begin with my not-so-favourite species termed "Adam" by God, renamed "Man" by God knows who and coined "Morons" by who else, but Truely Yours:-)
Some men hate to lose and on top of that they are such bad losers. Once a wife beat her husband at tennis. She asked him, "Are we going to have sex again?" He said, "Yes, but not with each other".

Men, I tell you. Sometimes I imagine a world without men. How would it be like? Well, no burping or farting in public, no colourful languages and lots of happy, fat women!
Now wait a minute, keeping aside my sadistic mood right now, lets be realistic for a moment. A world without men?!? A world without the men I love?!?! Not happening, no no. Time to move on before I get a thrashing from my G, A, R, P and the rest;-)

Well, Sex. I do not understand one thing. People say that sex is a natural phenomenon then how come there are so many books on how to?? I read this quote somewhere which goes, "The pleasure is momentary, the position is ridiculous, and the expenses damnable". True to some extent!

These days sadly there is no connect between sex and love. I mean how many men tell their women, "I want to make love to you" instead of "Let's have sex tonight" or "I wanna fuck you and drive you crazy". Now the Researcher in me has found a very interesting research topic! Wait let me work on this, create a research proposal and send it to one of the Condom manufacturers;-)

Dating. Gosh I have such poor vision. I can date anyone! Jokes apart, well many men did not have the good luck of going out on a date with me, I am choosy. If you go by my definition of a date, I went out on a date with just one person, fell in love with him and I am thankful to S for bringing him to my life. Now he is a wonderful friend and a great support.

Love. Ok I simply have to put this down. Some quote which I read. "I fall in love real quick, which can scare guys away. I'm like, 'I love you, I want to marry you, I want to move in with you.' And they are like, 'ma'am, just give me the ten bucks for the pizza and I'll be out of here.'
Gosh. Love. Hmn. Nothing more to say:-)

Marriage. It can be a wonderful thing to happen to you provided your man is ready to serve you breakfast in bed and not just on the lookout to have YOU as breakfast whenever you are in bed;-) Such a man, does he really exist? Or is he a myth? Well, who cares. I am always super excited to attend marriages as long as it is not my own!

Well all the laRkaz and laRkiz, forgive me if I hurt any sentiments, just in the mood to bullshit:-)

I have not written about the one thing which is really close to my heart, about which I cannot bullshit or play the fool. My friends. I will. Soon. M, G, R, A, P, I love you all. I owe you all one. Thanks for being yourselves. You all are cherished.

Will be back. Soon!


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